河北省农科院旱作农业研究所  衡水市农业科学研究 院


  Dry-Land Farming Institute of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (DFI, alsocalled

AgriculturalScience Research Institute of Hengshui City) was established in 1955, with staffof 103, 62 of

them are professors orassistant professors. The total value of the capital asserts are 12 million yuan and

of which the equipments are 3.6 millionyuan. The main objectives of the Institute are the followings:

breeding of new crop varieties of high yield, dry farming /watersaving technique, plant diseases and insect

pests control.

  There are 3 research sections in the Institute, 2 research centers and 3 Science/technological

developing companyLtd; the Horticultural D/R Center was established for garden design projects; the

Tissue Cultural Center was establishedfor flower & tree seedling production as well as soil/water analysis;

the Dapeng Agricultural Equipment Company engagedin designing and assembling? greenhouses, Tianyi

Biology Control Ltd. produce natural pest enemy and study on? relatedtechnique for vegetable and fruit

production; the Jinqiu Seed Company distributes crop seed of new varieties. Since theestablishment of the

Institute, more then 90 scientific achievements (9 national and 62 provincial level) has been obtained.A lot

of new varieties have been used and many were warmly welcomed by the farmers.

  In last decade, the Institute has made extensive international cooperations. In the China-Canada

cooperation HebeiDry-Land Project lots of research staff have been trained, more then 20 persons have

been studied and returned fromCanada, Austria, Australia and other countries.

  Wang Jinming, the chief of the Institute, greatly appreciate the guests that have helped us and that

will cooperate with us. Thanks.

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  Adrees:122,nanmenkou stree,Hengshui city Hebei P.R.China

  Tel:(86318)2138694  Fax:(0318)2132437

  E-mail: hsdryfarm@heinfo.net