根际益生菌链霉菌S506固体发酵条件优化 [2011-09-27]
Relationship between calcium decoding elements and plant abiotic-stress resistance [2011-09-27]
Growth yield of Viciafaba L inresponse to microbial symbiotic associations [2011-09-27]
Molecular and genetic evidence for the key role of AtCaM3 in heat-shock signal transductio... [2011-09-27]
The dynamic changing of Ca2+ cellular localization in maize leaflets under drought stress [2011-09-27]
Physiological characterization of transgenic alfalfa(Medicago sativa)plants for improved d... [2011-09-27]
套袋对梨果实Ca、Mg、K 营养的影响 [2011-09-27]
The changes of organelle ultrastructure and Ca2+ homeostasis in Maize mesophyⅡ cell durin... [2011-09-27]
The effect of MAP on quality and browning of cold-stored plum fruits [2011-09-27]
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